Fire Suppression A.F.E.C. System

Industrial strength, high compression, Air force-field cylinders function on the same principles as its sister devices (A.F.E.C. Eyewear) and may be attached at various points on or about a firefighter’s head and face mask system to push smoke away from the line of sight of our heroes so they can look for people and animals that are otherwise not visible in thick smoke or dust.

However, unlike our fashion and medical applications, A.F.E.C. smoke suppression cylinders are air mass supplied from an independent containment system such a pressurized tank, to deliver highly concentrated jets of air to clear the way for search and rescue attempts.

*Medical/Covid-19 Disclaimer
At this time, Air Force-Field Eyewear Cylinders (A.F.E.C.) and its associated Air Force-Field Systems parent technology, to include: the INFANT-FORCE Product Line, has not been approved by the FDA or other medical sanctioning body to prevent, treat or reduce Covid-19, Influenza, or other airborne pathogens and/or contaminants. Statements, depictions and testing analysis contained within this website or publications are for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Questions relating to the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 or other airborne pathogens and contaminants should be referred to a licensed medical physician.
A PCT has been filed on this technology, permitting potential licensees to file multiple patent applications in the jurisdiction of members countries subscribing to Paris Cooperation Treaty. If your company would like to review the disclosure contained within the PCT, please indicate this on the contact form.

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